Grow in Grace through Sacrament

The Lord’s Supper is a sacrament in which the bread and wine are given and received as Christ directed to proclaim His death.  Those who received the Lord’s supper in the right way share in His body and blood with all His benefits, not physically, but by faith, and become spiritually stronger and grow in grace.

Communion is the sustaining sacrament of the church.  At the communion table, the Lord feeds His people to nourish them along the pilgrim way.

To participate in communion two things are necessary: first participants must be baptized.  Second, participants must have a basic understanding of the promises and responsibilities that the sacrament entails.

Communication about Communion

Presbyterians do not, as a general rule, open the communion table to children. Following Paul’s warnings in 1 Corinthians 11, this is for their protection. Baptized children do grow in their knowledge and understanding of the Lord Jesus and His love. Generally, by the 9th grade most children grasp and understand the meaning and importance of the sacrament.

In the Evangelical Presbyterian Church, school aged children are able to participate in the Lord’s Supper when they are able to express an age-appropriate understanding of the sacrament. If you would like your child to participate in the sacrament please contact the Kirk Session, and the elders will have a conversation with you and your child. Once the elders are convinced that baptized children have sound grasp of the meaning of communion, they are joyfully admitted to the Lord’s Supper.